Kim brings the gym to you.
In-home, on-site, and online personal training.
Get more out of life by training with Kim.
In-depth Consultation
Kim wants to not only train you, but know you. During your first session, Kim will examine your physical abilities by taking you through a workout and assessment to determine where she can help you grow.
Location of Choice
In-home, on-site, and online personal training make any location work: your office, your favorite running trail, your garage, or an apartment-Kim brings the gym to you.
Customized Fitness Program
Training with Kim is a highly individualized approach for success. From prenatal strength and conditioning to running plans to weight loss; Kim has the expertise to get you to your own finish line in record time.
Accountability Means Results
With a fitness program tailored to your unique needs and goals, in addition to the support and expertise that comes to your doorstep, training with Kim ensures your success.